Thibault Sellin

Embedded Software Engineering & Game Development Student    

This is the portfolio of all my work in the field of Game Development. As of now, it contains all of the games I have made as part of my school courses, from high school to the end of my studies in Game Development at the University of Québec at Chicoutimi.


These are my realizations as a Game Development student. They are sorted from most recent to most ancient. Other works include Unity and C# mentoring in 2019 and command-line Video Game Network Programming labs that focused on improving the reliability of UDP.

Conscious Chess (Prototype)

For the UQAC Summer 2021 Narrative Game Design course, with Dorian Doan, Pierre-André Girompaie, Corentin Leroux and Jean-Baptiste Poulet on Unity Engine.

Main Gameplay programming (basic Chess moveset and special pieces moveset), Writing and Sprite work (character design).

Late for School 

Unreal Engine horror-themed puzzle and adventure game with Thomas Jorda, Raphaël Landuré, Stéphane Lin, Basile Nguyen and Brice Vachez for a Game Development lab.

Unreal Engine asset implementation, Sound and graphical ambience design.


Unity Engine Rogue-Like FPS with randomly-generated map layouts for the Fall 2020 UQAC Game Development Lab, with Clément de Gaillande, Stéphane Lin and Basile Nguyen.

Contributions include gameplay programming, sound effects, writing, testing and debugging.

AI Programming labs

For the Fall 2020 UQAC session, with Mitia Elodie Anjara, Mathieu Victor Guérin, Flavien Meritto and Samuel Potvin. Based on the examples from Mat Buckland's 2004 book Programming Game AI by Example, mostly the entirely AI-controlled Third-Person shooter Raven.

My contributions include new Steering Behaviors, a new weapon and a new AI goal (flanking enemies).

Typhon Physics Engine

C++ Physics engine developed with Sylvain Franco, Mayeul Marsaut and Mehdi Zaaboub. Based on the Cyclone Engine by Ian Millington for the book Game Physics Engine Development.

Incremental group work to create a rigid-body engine built from scratch, with complex structures such as contact data calculus, quaternions and force registries.


High-school Senior Year PyGame team project, based on the PyGame tutorial series by YouTuber thenewboston. Developed with Louis Bollinger.

PyGame Bullet Hell game created for the end-of-year project. Font from Royalty-free music and background image taken from Google. All other work by me.


Thibault Sellin
Lieu-dit Kerguillotou Bihan
29930 Pont-Aven, France
P: (+33) 6 87 59 68 96